Monday, February 28, 2011

oh hay

It's casual. I am exhausted. I want a nap meow. Why am I so uninterested in computer science? Bobby doesn't seem so interested either. I just watched the new Lady Gaga video for Born This Way.. I can not wait to see her in concert on friday. I can't wait to be home with my family <3 I hate mean people.. blah. I just want to be happy :) It's monday so that it means I have my radio show tonight from 8 until 10! yayyyy! check it out :p

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I'm going to blog everyday. I want people to read these. like FORREAL. Thats how much snow we have so theres nothing to do but BLOG blog blog :)


I am in CSC right now. It is fantastic :) Stephen Colbert is grrrrreat!